The most mysterious objects in Universe on your device!
Do you know what happens when a middle sized star dies? It becomes a pulsar or a magnetar. The pulsar is a highly magnetized, rotating neutron star that emits a beam of electromagnetic radiation. The magnetar is a type of neutron star with an extremely powerful magnetic field. They are very dangerous and beautiful at the same time. This 3D live wallpaper will allow you to see them in closer look. Unusual scene of the dead star will attract attention of your friends. Features: - Radiation effect - Space warp effect - 3D parallax effect using accelerometer or gyroscope. - Ability to choose any color of the star and environment Trick: If you choose the type of the star - magnetar and set its color to the black you get a black hole!
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Not nearly as good as I had hoped...
Your a talented guy mate this is a great screen saver.